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WinXPTutor's XP Resources

Windows XP Tips, Illustrations and registry edits

Transfer your Help and Support Center favorites to another system

When you add a link in the Help and Support Center to the Favorites, using the Add to Favorites button the entry gets added to a file named

To transfer the favorites to another computer running Windows XP, copy the file available in the following folder:

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\HelpCtr

Prerequisite: The other computer where you want to transfer the favorites, must have Windows installed in the same drive/path as the source computer. This is because the stores the URLs referencing the drive-letter.

For example, the file might refer to a help file in your Windows directory. Such as:

C : \ W I N D O W S \ H e l p \ f i l e f o l d . c h m